After 13 long years, Alan Wake has finally escaped The Dark Place. Was the wait worth it? And is Saga Anderson’s case to solve the many mysteries of Bright Falls a worthwhile one?
Lex Luddy reviews Alan Wake 2.
All in Reviews
Jackbox returns for its tenth iteration in as many years. Everyone knows the set-up at this point, the question is; is the punchline still funny?
Henry Stockdale reviews.
Wales Interactive’s latest FMV adventure offers wild bite-size adventure. With the latest game placing you in the weirdest hotel in England (except the one we stayed at during EGX and smelled of wet carpet).
Scot Nowbaveh checks-in to The Isle Tide Hotel, but how long will he want to stay?
Over a decade of storytelling comes to a head in The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie.
Ruddy Celestial takes a look at the latest NIS RPG.
With Fromsoft off making a new Armored Core Aric Leighton has found themselves hankering for some souls-like action, and Neowiz’s Lies of P might be one of the best new entries into the genre.
The first Blasphemous was a bit of a cult hit (not that type of cult), can this new testament to the divine live up to the previous game or is it a false idol?
Bryn Gelbart reviews.
There are more throwback shooters coming out now than there was Doom-clones in the 90s.
Does Turbo Overkill have enough stylish action to stand out from the crowd?
Aric Leighton reviews.
After years of development, three more years in early access, pushing forward and delaying the release date at the same time somehow, Baldur’s Gate 3 is finally out in the wild… And it is massive.
Kate Robinson dives deep on her time with the game so far and investigates if a game this big can stand under its own weight.
Fall of Porcupine has a strong foundation of a moving story, wholesome art style, and clever mini-games, but is plagued with bugs that threaten to cut its life short.
Will Clark reviews.
Who needs Payday 3 when you can play as an alligator robbing a bank already?
Ruddy Celestial lets us know if Filthy Animals is a worthwhile investment.
Dungeon crawling works up an appetite. Thankfully Monster Menu is here to teach us that there’s more than enough food deep underground for a party of adventures.
Ruddy Celestial reviews.
Now that the dust has settled and the hyperbole has died down. Just how good is Capcom's latest remake?
Our resident Leon S. Kennedy expert, Scot Nowbaveh, weighs in on Resident Evil 4.
With all these triple-A bangers coming out in 2023, it can be easy to forget that it’s been a great year for indie games too. However, Decarnation demands to be remembered.
Alex Green reviews.
There are too many games coming out right now, and they’re all sprawling endless adventures that you could sink the rest of the year into. But sometimes you need something a bit more… Tiny.
Aric Leighton thinks Tiny Thor is worth a sliver of your time.
Everyone has their take on AI fiction so it takes a lot to stand out when telling a story involving one.
Despite this, Finlay Cattanach believes Return To Grace might be something special.