Hearthstone streamer Disguised Toast returns reveal card to Blizzard

Hearthstone streamer Disguised Toast returns reveal card to Blizzard

The End Is Coming

Hearthstone’s Saviours of Uldum expansion is coming up, and players are awaiting card reveals with baited breath to see how the League of Explorers will fight back against Rafaam’s evildoers. As is customary, popular streamers and content creators in the Hearthstone community have been given cards to exclusively reveal in whatever way they see fit. This tradition has led to some entertaining and creative ideas on how to reveal cards, and garners attention for both the game and the video creator when it happens. 

Lights Out

Disguised Toast is one of the most popular streamers of the game, and despite getting in trouble with Blizzard in the past, has been an excellent ambassador for Hearthstone from the early days. Recently though, he’s had more trouble engaging with the game. Whilst many feel that the Rise of Shadows expansion has been great for the game’s growth and quality, Toast has made it clear that he feels differently by primarily streaming other games, including Team Fight Tactics, a League of Legends-based auto-chess style game that I won’t pretend to understand. The Hearthstone subreddit hosted a significant number of negative comments aimed at Toast, spurred on by Reddit users questioning why he was given a card to reveal when other streamers, such as devoted Dutch player Thijs, were overlooked. 

This backlash, along with Toast’s general lower interest in Hearthstone at the moment led to the card reveal being returned. He did mention that it’s a card with a battlecry, but nothing is known past that. The announcement was greeted with disdain from the wider community - not for Toast, but for those who led the backlash against the card reveal. Frodan stated that both Toast and Thijs should get a card, as they both contribute a great deal to the community. 

Generally, the line should be drawn there. It’s all very well claiming that Toast should play Hearthstone since it’s the game that got him the attention he has now, but if he has the luxury to play games he finds more fun at a certain point in time, there’s honestly no reason to complain. I’m sure many streamers would love to make that change, and for viewers who want to see Hearthstone content, there are plenty of other content creators available. 

Unfortunately, it’s clear that fans’ entitlement remains a toxic thing, and despite the significant amount of support for streamers being able to (shock horror) play whatever they want, this vocal minority remains a thorn in the side of Hearthstone’s community. Hopefully in the future, these unsavoury individuals can go do something else with their days instead of getting riled up at people for playing the wrong game. 

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