Introducing Sigma, Overwatch's Latest Hero
He Has… Gravitas
It’s official, Overwatch’s 31st hero has landed so let’s all give a warm welcome to Sigma. In Overwatch fashion, Sigma has both an edgy name, and a short video to give a little context to who he is, and what his relationship is to the other characters. You know, for those all important countdown areas where your hero throws shade at someone else, or Lucio tells you you’re going to do great.
Anywho, the video is probably the best introduction any hero has had thus far. It’s both informative and intriguing, mysterious and memorable and above all, a little bit intimidating. When so many of the heroes we know have some humour or some methodical reason to exist, Sigma is scary because it’s implied he is far from sane. Following a botched experiment Sigma got what we only know to be gravity based powers. Funnily enough, Tracer went through a similar fate, but without the crazy on the other side.
Many fans are expecting Sigma to be a tank, as we haven’t had one of those for a while. From the implication he is incredibly powerful, I think we can expect gravity to be a Tank based move set, although Tanks are often bigger in size than Sigma appears to be. What I am looking forward to, is seeing the way his move set interacts with other gravity defying abilities. Will he reverse Zarya’s Graviton Surge? Ground Pharah? Will Zenyatta’s balls even work?
So who will he be throwing shade at whilst you wait for a game to start? At the end of the video he is seen standing alongside Moira, Widowmaker and Sombra, all women of Talon, the bad guys. The twist is that because Sigma doesn’t seem to be fully - with it, shall we say, he is unaware of his situation. That is to say, Blizzard states he doesn’t know he’s a weapon. To balance that notion, however, playing the last few seconds of the story means you can hear him say ‘release me’. There is something not quite right about where his mind is but there is definitely some of him that knows that, and another part who doesn’t.
All in all, Sigma may be the most interesting development narratively that the game has had in a while. I don’t need to remind many of the overplayed Sombra reveal, which was disappointing to many. It’s refreshing to be scared of a ‘bad guy’ in Overwatch as emotes and cutesy sprays have downplayed the evil personalities of the game. I expect that will happen with Sigma too, but at least for now I get to enjoy his madness with him.