Hyper Light Breaker is more than a new direction for Heart Machine’s breakout indie hit it may as well be a new series.
Skeleton just can’t figure out who this new series might be for.
Dynasty Warriors is back and while the new consoles enable plenty of new encouraging advancements some lingering series-spanning issues persist.
Alex Green reviews.
Go Home Annie isn’t the longest game but its bite-sized nature works for the game’s SCP setting, even if some of the puzzles are less than stellar.
Zackary Edwards reviews.
What a quiet and uneventful January for the world… yup hardly anything note happened…
Anyway Branford Hubbard did round up every bit of video game news from last month, so that was nice.
Mindcop is a moody and strange detective tale with a great artstyle and killer conceit.
Tyler Denyer reviews.
Pine: A Story of Loss is less of a video game and more of a lightly interactive meditation on grief, yet despite this, or maybe because of it, David Cole found it to be a deeply moving experience.
Slopecrashers is a game where you can play as a penguin riding a snowboard so it’s off to a strong start.
Can this SSX-inspired arcade racer live up to that concept? Morgan Bordoni reviews.
It’s been a while coming but our review of Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip is finally ready to go and with it, Vivian Winn has found a joyous romp of a 3D platformer.
2024 had it all on startmenu from Metaphor to Mouthwashing, Indiana to Indika, from Final Fantasy VII to umm… Final Fantasy XIV.
Alex Green breaks down startmenu’s year in numbers.
Ravenswatch’s solid co-op action RPG comabt acts the backbone for a deeply satisfying roguelike.
Branford Hubbard reviews the next game Passtech Games.
Super Waifu Ball might be easy to brush off as cheap smut or another Steam “Hentai ____” game, but that’s a little bit unfair.
Sana engages with the Monkey Ball-inspired game on its own merits.
Ganryu 2 is a recreation of what we remember gaming being, flaws and all.
Is it good? Holly Redfield just thinks it is a home port of an arcade game that doesn’t exist.
Full time Antoine Dupont stan, part time rugby analyst, and Crank Starring Jason Statham expert, Squidge Rugby returns to the site to talk about video games, depression, and waking up to Mario music.
Despite it being a comparably quiet year for the show, Jay Weaver found plenty of games worth highlighting from EGX 2024.
As 2024 came to a close there was no slowing down the news train.
Thankfully, Eoghan Watters rounded up all of December’s news each week to keep us all in the loop.
In 2024 Jess Reyes realised that she didn’t need to define herself by her work, and started to think about a life outside of games journalism.
Genuinely no idea what to write here… Just give this piece a read.
Branford Hubbard worked hard on it.
2024 was a brutal year for the video game industry with over 14,000 layoffs across the industry, but this number doesn’t take into account the devastating damage done to games media.
Khee Hoon Chan breaks it down.