Everyone’s favourite private detective cum rogue, Van Arkide, returns with his merry party of misfits in Trails Through Daybreak 2.
Henry Stockdale reviews this satisfying if somewhat safe sequel.
All tagged Trails
Everyone’s favourite private detective cum rogue, Van Arkide, returns with his merry party of misfits in Trails Through Daybreak 2.
Henry Stockdale reviews this satisfying if somewhat safe sequel.
Only a handful of months on from the western release of Trails Through Daybreak, Ark Vanride and his crew are back in a sequel.
Henery Stockdale previews the game and interviews Falcom's president Toshihiro Kondo.
We were invited to preview NIS’s upcoming slate. Of course, we sent startmenu’s expert RPG historian, Henry Stockdale to check out the long-awaited The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails.
All these years after its original release in Japan, does Nayuta still hold up?
Time makes fools of us all and video game backlogs make fools of time. We welcome Sam Harrison to the site to let us know all the best games of the year… that he didn’t play.