A lot of news happened in the games industry in 2022, and some of it was almost too wild to believe… and yet here we are.
Michael Beckwith has a top-ten-list-worth of wild stuff, that barely scratches the surface of this industry.
A lot of news happened in the games industry in 2022, and some of it was almost too wild to believe… and yet here we are.
Michael Beckwith has a top-ten-list-worth of wild stuff, that barely scratches the surface of this industry.
Sexuality is a complicated thing and discoveries about one’s self can come from the strangest of places. Ben Wincote joins us this Pride to tell us about the games that helped him discover his pansexuality.
Bioware has a long track history of changing parts of its story games and Jamie A. Nicholas joins us to explain why he is disappointed they didn’t go further in the most recent remaster.
Microsoft didn’t come to play after Sony’s impressive PlayStation 5 presentation. Alex Green has the rundown of everything shown.
Jack Simpson wants to tell you about some great games from 2019. And I want to show you this picture of Norman Reedus in a Santa hat.